Thursday, August 28, 2008

Family Insurance

Cost of Medical Treatments

The cost of medical treatments and surgery is soaring and can play havoc with family finance. For example, the cost of spinal stenosis surgery is at least $14,000. The cost of double bypass surgery can be up to $20,000. The cost of hip surgery is a prohibitive $40,000 to $60,000. To get the prostate removed will be from $40,000 to $50,000. With this kind of prohibitive cost, it is very important to have family health coverage. Without any form of family health coverage, a medical emergency within the family can bankrupt the family.

But where to get health insurance? One way is to trawl the internet for private medical insurance quote. Who knows, you may be lucky to chance upon one which give you affordable family health insurance to cover the whole family so no matter who within the family gets sick, the needed medical treatment will be absorbed by the insurance company.